Music at Bethabara

Moravian Worship is often noted for its increased emphasis on music. Since the 18th century Renewal of the Moravian Church, music has been an important part of Moravian life and worship, with services entirely of song being commonplace. At Bethabara, we strive to keep the musical focus of our Moravian forebears, while implementing unique Moravian musical traditions! 


Bethabara's services are often music heavy, providing many opportunities to worship our Savior with Song! We draw from various Christian music traditions, but we tend to have a bias towards the unique music of Moravian composers and hymn-writers! We are also blessed to frequently worship with original works composed by members of Bethabara's congregation.


For more info on Bethabara's musical groups, see below. We are always looking for new members to join our talented group of musicians!



To learn more or get involved with music at Bethabara, contact:


Kyle Sapp, Director of Music




Bethabara uses an organ as the primary instrument for accompanying congregational singing. Pictured above is Bethabara's 1923 Austin Organ, which was expanded in 2018.


Bethabara's choir gathers weekly during worship in the choir loft, leading congregational singing and presenting special music throughout the year. The Choir meets frequently for practice, learning new music and preparing for special services. The choir is always looking for new members of all ages and experience! Anyone interested should contact Kyle Sapp.



Bethabara's band is a traditional Moravian mixed wind band. The band plays weekly preludes for Worship, accompanies hymns, plays special music for worship, and provides music for outdoor services, including Easter morning and funerals. The band gathers weekly at 10 am for a unique, musical Sunday school and practice in the choir loft. The band is always looking for new members of all ages and experience! Anyone interested should contact Kyle Sapp.

For a sample of our Music, below is prelude from a Sunday morning worship service: 

Contact Us Today!

Bethabara Moravian Church

2100 Bethabara Road

Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Phone: (336) 924-8789



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